How to Create the Best Cryptocurrency White Paper

If you’re in the business of creating a cryptocurrency or blockchain project, it won’t be long before your community and potential investors begin to ask to see your white paper. The idea of documenting every aspect of your robust technical project with the limited time you have may be daunting, but creating your white paper is actually one of the most clarifying and beneficial marketing endeavors your can undertake.

But such a large copywriting undertaking still begs the question: where do I begin? Before offering some contextual advice, let me outline the process I take when crafting technical cryptocurrency white papers (click HERE to look an example of a white paper created by Katie Clinebell Creative) for my blockchain clients:

  1. Research: Compile every ounce of documentation currently in existence about your project. It can be as simple as Twitter and Reddit threads to pitch decks and marketing materials. Read everything to ensure you fully understand the project’s purpose.

  2. Create the White Paper Template: Structure your white paper in a way that takes the reader smoothly through the journey of understanding what your product is, why it was created, what it will do, its future roadmap, and the tech is was built on. Starting with an introduction and flowing into the history, current state, and future plans are three solid structure points to start with.

  3. Begin to Populate the Template with the Information You Have: Once you’ve created a structure, begin filling in each section with relevant information. You can edit and tidy later, but this way all information available is captured and organized.

  4. Create Content for the Sections That Need Additional Information: Look over the sections you have and see if there are any other sections of content pieces missing. If so, create them from the knowledge you have available. Don’t be afraid to ask the project’s developers or other team members to help with more technical language.

  5. Edit and Market: Once you have a robust document, begin to edit down the content to the information that is most vital. Also be sure that you’re crafting your language in a way that integrates your project’s mission into each section. Lead with vision-oriented and inspirational language as this piece will be reviewed by potential investors to make their investment decisions.

In addition to the above structural components, you should also consider these contextual suggestions when crafting your cryptocurrency white paper:

  • Lead with Vision: Your vision should be the silver thread that is laced through every section. The why behind your project should be integrated within every explanation of how. At the end of the day, your white paper is built to move potential users to your engaged community. Sell them on why your project is going to change the world as we know it. How will the world look different once your project reaches its full scale?

  • Capture Your Past, Present, and Future: The reason you started your project should be detailed in your white paper. It provides context and relatability to the reader. Additionally, you should clearly explain the current state of the project and your roadmap to reaching your future milestones and overall vision.

  • Don’t Mince the Tech: While your white paper should be built to captivate and sell your project, it should also provide a deep analysis of the underlying technical components that enable your product’s operating system. Of course, proprietary information should not be included, but a baseline technical information should be included (i.e. the blockchain system your project is built on, tokenomics, rewards, additional softwares, etc.).

  • Leave Room for Updates: Since your product, especially if its built within the blockchain ecosystem, will likely evolve with the technology its built on, be sure to keep this a living, breathing document. Your white paper should update as your roadmap does.

Once created, your white paper should serve as your entire project’s blueprint. It’s a lengthy process, but it’s well worth the time and effort to have it your marketing toolbox.

For a look at a white paper created by Katie Clinebell Creative, click HERE. If you want to talk through your white paper or crypto marketing needs, I’d love to connect with you.

Happy creating!

-Katie Clinebell


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